LegumeIP V3: From Models to Crops - An Integrative Gene Discovery Platform for Translational Genomics in Legumes

Gene Expression Profiling of Populus trichocarpa to Study Xylem Cells and Different Tissues

Filter Name Genotype Mutation Stage Tissue/organ Treatment Level Time
CombinationXylemfiberVesselRaycells 6 months Xylem Combination of xylem fiber, vessel and ray cells
Leaf 6 months Leaf Leaf
Phloem 6 months Phloem Phloem
PrimaryRoot 6 months Primary root Primary root
ShootTip 6 months Shoot tip Shoot tip
StemDifferentiatingXylem 6 months Stem differentiating xylem Stem differentiating xylem
XylemFiberCells 6 months Xylem Xylem fiber cells
XylemVesselCells 6 months Xylem Xylem vessel cells